Goodies for social projects
Goodies are an important part of all crowdfunding projects. However, social projects represent a “special” case. We’ll show you how to choose the right goodies for your social project and how to use creative ideas to get boosters to support your crowdfunding.
The “special” case of social projects
With social projects, your goodies don’t need to have the usual nominal value. In general, the main aim of crowdfunding is to raise as much money as possible to make the project a reality. However, goodies are often decisive in whether your project is supported and how much is donated.
Goody numbers and prices
Even if a lot of boosters would still support a social project without goodies in return, we still recommend that you offer at least 4 to 6 goodies for a range of budgets. It’s a nice gesture and it gives boosters an idea of how far their donation amount will go. They can also choose how much they want to donate if you show them how much can be done with their donation.
Examples: support one family, teddy bear for a kid, Send a kid to school
sell for more*
*this is exclusive to social projects, since people are more willing to dig deep for a good cause. Create a unique design, an exciting set or put together a set of goodies for a specific purpose.
Examples: vegetable peeler, teak light, recipe
A look behind the scenes of your project is a fun experience: come up with some exciting insights and create unique memories, or share your knowledge, experiences or skills – these things are often worth much more than an object.
Examples: workshop, language lesson and tutoring, project visit
Personal goodies, sponsorships
Personal goodies let your supporters get involved in the project.
Examples: Safari-Tour, game designer, your name on the bus
Creative and fun
You can also gain support for your project with creative, fun and just plain crazy ideas. It will bring a smile to your supporters’ faces – and your creativity might even be handsomely rewarded.
Examples: your name on over 6000m, Trip to Columbia, who boosts the highest?
Find allies in your network and get them involved in your crowdfunding with sponsored goodies. You can expand your reach and speak to more target groups. In return, they get an exciting sponsorship opportunity and the chance to become socially responsible and support a great project.
Examples: the “Swiss Changemakers” project, Facebook Thank You