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Friends of listeners

EUR 20

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A personalized thank you from our team and exclusive set of digital wallpapers themed around emotional support, perfect for your PC or smartphone.


Goodie limitation

unlimited availability

This offer is part of this crowdfunding project:

Friends of listeners

Release the power of learning

IFOTES International Federation of Telephone Emergency Services
IFOTES International Federation of Telephone Emergency Services ZURICH, CH
Elena Misdariis
Elena Misdariis
Project initiators are tax exempt

Project Overview

Helpline listeners across Europe are available 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, at any time of need for people in emotional distress. To improve their skills and service quality, they need knowledge and insights from experts. By supporting our campaign you will help provide enriching educational video contents full of valuable insights, accessible online in English, French, German, Italian to 20.000 volunteers in emotional support services.

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1.440 EUR
of 45 days left
supported project