crowdify.net Glossary – WHO’S WHO

Crowdfunding is a great way to turn your idea into reality! You ask lots of different people - your friends, family or even complete strangers - for small financial contributions. Anyone who thinks your idea is great can help you achieve your goal.

Crowdfunding is worthwhile if you have an idea that you would like to implement but don't have enough money to do so. If you find lots of people who want to support your idea and are willing to contribute a small amount, you can finance your project this way.

  • For creative projects: Games, books, movies, music projects
  • For social projects: Environmental protection, education, social justice
  • For start-ups: pre-sales and publicizing products
  • Find the right platform: Compare topics, target groups and fees
  • Create a convincing project: Clear ideas, realistic goals and attractive rewards are essential for a successful project
  • Develop campaign strategies: Good preparation, active communication, expand and use networks and actively involve social media.
  • Legal aspects: Familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions and find out about the tax aspects

Crowdfunding projects can fail for various reasons. Here are a few of the most common:

  • Not enough awareness: if not enough people find out about the project, not enough donations can be raised.
  • Unrealistic goals: If the funding goal is too high or the time is too short, it can be difficult to raise enough money.
  • Weak rewards: The rewards offered to backers are not attractive enough.
  • Lack of preparation: The project was not planned or presented well enough.


Taxing crowdfunding income can be somewhat complicated and depends on various factors, such as your legal form (sole trader, association, etc.) and the country in which you live.

Generally speaking:

  • Income from crowdfunding is usually taxable. This means that you must declare the amounts raised in your tax return.
  • Benefits in return: If you offer your supporters something in return for their donation (e.g. a thank you, a product), this may have tax consequences.
  • Donations: If you are collecting donations and not offering anything in return, the rules may be different.

To make sure you are doing everything correctly, it is best to consult a tax advisor at an early stage.

General Questions and Answers

Project Initiators are individuals who present a project on crowdify.net with the aim of raising money.

Boosters are those who support a project with a financial contribution.

Goodies are the gifts Boosters receive as thanks for supporting a project.

Ron Orp is a partner providing access to more than 200,000 Ron Orp’s Mail readers.

Initiators (musicians, artists, designers... you!) present their projects on the Crowdify crowdfunding platform, where they can be financed by a number of individual people, or Boosters, over a predefined period.

In return, the Initiator sends the Boosters, who may be friends, acquaintances, companies, or benefactors, exclusive goodies, such as a signed CD, a book with a dedication, or a mention in film credits. Boosters can watch the project become a reality, and can even play an active role.

- The simple donation process! Boosters (donors) are free to make a donation whenever they like, without tedious login processes.

- Its convenient payment methods. Boosters (donors) can pay using TWINT, credit cards, PayPal or PostFinance.

-Its Security. RaiseNow processes electronic payments on behalf of Crowdify. This means that data remains secure and that contributions are quickly and securely processed and stored.

- Ron Orp is onboardCrowdify has partnered with the most successful newsletter. This means that individual projects can be seen by more than 200,000 readers.

- Its comprehensive support for Project Initiators.  Crowdify provides exclusive tips, tricks and tools for successful project promotion developed by social media and advertising experts.

Just send an email to support@crowdify.net.

With crowdfunding, an idea is financed by lots of small donations, instead of a single, large amount of money. Crowdfunding on Wikipedia.

The platform is free of charge for everyoneWhen Boosters (donors) sponsor a project, they only pay what they donate. Project Initiators don’t pay a thing. Once the project is successfully funded (and only then!), crowdify.net deducts an administration fee of 9% incl. VAT (including financial service provider fees, or 11% for funding in stages) of the total amount collected; the remaining amount is transferred to the Project Initiators.

For social projects we do not charge the platform fee. Upon successful completion of your project, only the external costs of the payment method (approx. 3%) will be charged.

Yes, of course! You can set your project goal as high as you like. The important thing to remember is that you have a specific number of days (chosen by you) to promote the project, sing its praises and make noise about it. The higher the amount is, the harder it can be to reach the target. 

Also bear in mind that crowdify.net uses an “all or nothing” approach. If you don’t reach 100% of your funding goal, the money will be transferred back to your supporters. 

On the other hand, you can also raise more money than your original goal. Therefore, we recommend setting a lower funding goal and explaining what you’d like to do with any excess funding you’re able to raise.

Yes! Are you convincing a lot of donors and have a target amount of more than CHF 200,000? Well, then we’re convinced too, and we’ll lower our flat platform fee for projects as follows:

For a successful target amount of...

... up to CHF 200,000: 9% platform fee / 11% for funding in stages
... up to CHF 300,000: 8% platform fee / 10% for funding in stages
... up to CHF 400,000: 7% platform fee / 9% for funding in stages
... up to CHF 500,000: 6% platform fee / 8% for funding in stages
... from CHF 500,000: 6% platform fee / 8% for funding in stages

So, you can aim high and reduce costs.

You want to create a project with a social background?

Crowdify supports social engagement without any fees. Only third-party costs from payment providers (approx. 3%) are charged. And because sometimes every extra franc helps, we give you the possibility to start a fundraising campaign without a target amount.

We love social commitments! We’d be happy to support you and offer preferential conditions: upon successful completion of your social project, we’ll only charge the payment providers’ third-party costs (about 3%). This maximises the funding that flows directly into your social project.

 We know that sometimes every extra penny really helps. That’s why, for social projects, Crowdify gives you the option of not setting a target amount. Remember: while this takes off the pressure of a specific funding goal, it also eliminates boosters’ sense of urgency to donate right away.

Welcome back! We’re delighted to see you back at Crowdify, and we’d love you to start your next project with us. To say thanks, we’ll reduce the flat platform fees by 1% if you start another project within 16 months of your last crowdfunding.

crowdify.net uses an “all or nothing” approach. If a project doesn’t reach its target by the set deadline, all the contributions are returned to the Boosters (minus financial service provider fees), and Project Initiators are not required to pay the platform fees.

Ron Orp is the leading lifestyle newsletter, published every weekday in 13 cities. Ron Orp helps residents connect with their city. In Switzerland, Ron Orp is available in Zurich, Basel, Bern, Luzern, Winterthur, St. Gallen, Lausanne and Geneva. Read more at ronorp.net and on Wikipedia.

crowdify.net is a GmbH [limited liability company] and is fully owned by Ron Orp AG, based in Zurich.

Congratulations – you’ve reached your target amount! You can now set a stretch goal: you determine a second financial goal, or a stretch goal, and tell your crowd about it. You can say something like “thanks to you, we’ve reached our target amount. If we get to this second amount, we will also be able to do the following...” 

Risk free: even if you don’t reach your stretch goal, you’ll still receive the full amount you’ve raised.  

Questions and Answers for Project Initiator

Nothing! Once the project is successfully funded (and only then!), Crowdify deducts an administration fee of 9% incl. VAT (including financial service provider fees, or 11% for funding in stages) of the total amount collected; the remaining amount is transferred to you.


Do you dream of producing a film, publishing a book, creating a fashion collection, recording an album, producing artwork, celebrating an event, or launching a product on the market? Whatever your project, crowdify.net is the platform for you! You can show off your project, advertise intelligently and win over fans who can make small or larger financial contributions to help make your project a reality. Crowdify is for everyone!

Three things:
make your project look appealing on Crowdify. You can do this with videos, images and text, and great goodies. You need to get people excited about supporting your project.

Then, really promote your project! All throughout its duration – use all your creativity, passion and energy. This is when you will raise money. And really, don’t be shy!

Finally, use the money raised to make your project a reality.

Once you’ve registered, you’ll receive an email with a link to create your project. This is where you can build it in 11 steps. You can take as long as you need to create your project.

One really important thing is how you present it. Make sure you have some good visuals, and a video, if possible, to briefly explain the project and motivate people to support you.

Once you have registered your project and got your creative goodies, it will be checked by crowdify.net. If everything is OK, your project will be approved and you can then decide when you want to start your crowdfunding and really promote your project.

You won’t be able to change the project description or the goodies. But you can add more goodies. You can also add news updates to your dashboard whenever you like. If necessary, you can add and update Needs (things you still need aside from money) before the project’s deadline.

We’re quick! It takes us around 3 working days.

crowdify.net does not tolerate pornographic, racist or defamatory projects, or projects that glorify violence. Projects must not be misused for money laundering, loan requests, or gambling. crowdify.net has the right to refuse projects without explanation.

crowdify.net checks project content and whether it is well presented. Once approved, you can access all crowdify.net’s tips, tricks and tools, and you’ll get your own newsletter tool and dashboard for your project.

You can choose from the following categories:

  • Architecture & Interior Design
  • Education & Knowledge
  • Books
  • Comics & Illustration
  • Food & Drink
  • Film & Video
  • Photography
  • Society
  • Graphics & Design
  • Crafts & Trades
  • Culture
  • Art
  • Media
  • Furniture & Home
  • Fashion
  • Music & Sound
  • Outdoor
  • Politics
  • Software & Games
  • Other
  • Social Projects
  • Sport
  • Start-Up & New Business
  • Dance & Theatre
  • Technology & Science
  • Environment
  • Events

If you can’t find what you’re looking for, send us an email: support@crowdify.net

No. This is confusing to everyone who’s participating in your project and wants to support you. Promote your project on crowdify.net and put all of your effort into bringing as many people as you can to your project page. The idea is simple: One project, one link!

crowdify.net uses an “all or nothing” approach. If a project doesn’t reach its target by the set deadline, all contributions are returned to the Boosters (minus third-party fees), and you are not required to pay the platform fees.

If your project reaches its funding target ahead of time, you can end your project immediately and pay out the funds, or continue to promote it and raise additional funding. Explain on your project web page what you intend to do with the additional money. In exceptional cases, a project can also be cut short or extended.

Projects that have not yet been activated can be deleted. However, projects cannot be deleted once they have entered the funding phase. Projects that are not successfully funded will be removed from the website after a while.

You’ll need to actively promote your project every day. That’s why it’s important to be sure you’re well-prepared, and to schedule enough time for promotion. crowdify.net gives you a wide variety of tips and features to help guide people to your project.

Facebook and other social media channels are important tools for raising awareness of your project within your social network. But there are also many other options for drawing attention to your project. See our crowdify.net tips, tricks and tools for more information.

It’s all about good karma, being a part of the action, and love for specific projects. People are curious and enthusiastic, and they want to do good for others. And that’s why they support exciting projects.

No, crowdify.net is purely a project-funding platform. You can reward your supporters with all kinds of unique goodies, but never with interest payments or a financial stake in the project.

Crowdify gives you everything you need: personal support, expert tips, tricks and tools, statistics during the project period, and the full promotional power of Ron Orp.

Then be happy! crowdify.net will pay out the full contributed amount. Under News and Needs, explain to your Boosters what you intend to do with the additional financial resources.

As soon as the project deadline has passed and the last of the contributions have been paid in and transferred to us by our payment partners, you’ll receive your money. Unfortunately, it can sometimes take up to 14 days for us to receive all the money from our credit card partners.

Don’t be sad. All of the money pitched in by your Boosters (contributors) will be paid back to them, and you won’t have to pay any platform fees. Your project will remain visible on Crowdify for another 10 days.

Yes. Each project includes a category that we call “Needs”. You can use this section at any time to look for the knowledge, talent, infrastructure, equipment, people etc. that you need for your project.

Yes and no. Create a project with a small target amount (e.g. 100 Swiss francs) and create goodies for contributions at 15 francs, 16 francs and other small amounts. Create a project with a small target amount (e.g. 100 Swiss francs) and create goodies for contributions at 15 francs, 16 francs and other small amounts. Example: People who give 15 francs should also be available on 2 days to help me carry some things.

You decide how long your crowdfunding project should last. It can be anywhere from 1 to 50 days. These days, periods of 15, 30 or (for large funding targets) 50 days are standard. Remember that you’ll need to actively promote your project every day throughout the entire period. If you want to choose a project period that isn’t available for selection when you’re setting up the project, just write to us at support@crowdify.net and we’ll be happy to help.

Questions and Answers for Boosters (donors)

- With a financial contribution to the project.

- By sharing the project in your community.

- With your knowledge, talent, network, etc. In the “Needs” section, Project Initiators describe what they need besides money.

For successful projects, crowdify.net/FairGive will transfer the collected amount to the Project Initiator, minus a processing fee of 9% incl. VAT (including financial service provider fees, or 11% for funding in stages).

If the project is not successfully funded, the amount you contributed will be transferred back to you (minus third-party fees).

Yes. You can donate anonymously. If you choose this option, the project initiator cannot see who made the donation. On the other hand, you also can’t receive any goodies. Your contact information (first name, last name and email address) is visible only to crowdify.net and FairGive.

The Project Initiator has 18 months after successfully reaching their funding goal to make their project a reality. The Project Initiator should send you your goodies by the time the project is completed, or soon after. Remember: If you contribute anonymously, you won’t be able to receive any goodies.

crowdify.net reviews all project entries to the best of our knowledge and ability. For example, we ensure that every project has real people behind it who can be contacted at any time. Since many donations come from the Project Initiators’ own social networks, and since they’ve invested lots of time and effort in their project, the project is highly likely to be completed.

If the project is not successfully funded by the project deadline, the amount you contributed will be transferred back to you (minus third-party fees).  

Yes, crowdify.net reviews every Project Initiator based on the information that they’re required to provide in our 11-step project creation process. 

Payments can be made via TWINT, credit cards (VISA, MasterCard), PostFinance/E-Finance and PayPal.

Yes, that works. Just send us an email to support@crowdify.net and we can manually enter your boost for the desired project. Please note that after a successful funding, the platform fees of 9% (11% for stage funding) will be deducted from the total amount. If the project is not successful, the project initiator is responsible for returning the money to you.