EUR 25 You are a Friend of the Kids You support 2 Children in their integration to village. No longer available Quantity
EUR 50 You are a Friend to the Family You support 1 family in their integration to the village. No longer available Quantity
EUR 100 You are a migration Sponsor You support 1 family in the assistance needed in their migration process. No longer available Quantity
EUR 150 You help with the Building of a Family Home You support 1 family over 1 month in their process of building their home. No longer available Quantity
EUR 450 You are a Super Sponsor You support 1 family over 3 months in their process of building their home. No longer available Quantity
EUR 900 You are the Godfather/Godmother for the whole Family You support 1 family over 6 months in their process of building their home. No longer available Quantity