Crowdified! This project has been successfully funded on 28. May 2019. Thanks to the 423 boosters that made it possible!

Coq d'Or

Cash for Culture!


Daniel Kissling
Nils Loeffel
Kulturverein Coq d'Or
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63.075 CHF
of 100.000 CHF
supported project
Coq d'Or
Coq d'Or
Coq d'Or
Coq d'Or
Coq d'Or

Funding goals

  1. Stage 1:

    30.000 CHF

    100% funded

  2. Stage 2:

    40.000 CHF

    100% funded

  3. Stage 3:

    55.000 CHF

    100% funded

  4. Stage 4:

    75.000 CHF

    40% funded

  5. Finish Stage:

    100.000 CHF

    0% funded

You know it: The Coq d'Or in a small town in Switzerland isn't just your normal bar. It's a unique cultural space dedicated to everything from metal to visual art and from literature to indie music with 2 stages and over 100 events a year.
But you also know: No one get's rich from putting up small shows. They're not in for the money but for their passion for music as for culture in general. DIY a 100 % without any fundings.
After years of compensating their losses on events with the revenue earned from the bar, they've arrived at a point where this isn't possible anymore. There are rooms to be renovated, things to be fixed and replaced.
And that's where your help is needed!
Support their efforts and ensure their operation in keeping the underground alive.

We need 30'000 Swiss Francs to secure our operation for at least one year. For renovations and new investments we need a bit more...

30'000 CHF: Coq d'Or secured for 1 year.
40'000 CHF: new air systems and little renovations.
55'000 CHF: new toilets
75'000 CHF: new flooring (concert room, bar room)

And if, yes if we reach a 100'000 CHF with your help, the Coq d'Or will be safe for at least three years and won't need other donations or funding.
Daniel Kissling
Daniel Kissling
Olten, CH

Manager, promoter, runner and kinda everything what's needed...

Nils Loeffel
Nils Loeffel
president of the Coq d'Or culture club

He evolved from guest to staff to promoter to the president. No one at Coq d'Or works more for less...

Kulturverein Coq d'Or
Kulturverein Coq d'Or
all the people making this.

The Coq d'Or is their working space, their cultural laboratory, their study field, their home from home. Over 30 people are working hard every day and night to share their vision of the Coq d'Or with you.

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