Friends of listeners

Release the power of learning

IFOTES International Federation of Telephone Emergency Services
IFOTES International Federation of Telephone Emergency Services ZURICH, CH
Elena Misdariis
Elena Misdariis
Project initiators are tax exempt

Project Overview

Helpline listeners across Europe are available 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, at any time of need for people in emotional distress. To improve their skills and service quality, they need knowledge and insights from experts. By supporting our campaign you will help provide enriching educational video contents full of valuable insights, accessible online in English, French, German, Italian to 20.000 volunteers in emotional support services.

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1.440 EUR
of 45 days left
supported project

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Enter the desired amount or select an exclusive goodie below. By the way: the minimum sum is 1 CHF or 1 euros. Important: the fees charged by the financial service providers still have to be deducted from your donation. The deduction for a crowdify.nethandling fee will only be made when the project is successful. If the project doesn't reach its funding target then the money will be transferred back to you, minus the fees charged by the financial service provider.

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EUR 10

Friends of listeners
Green donor
A personalized thank you from our team, sent directly via email. Every donation makes a difference, and your contribution brings us closer to achieving our goal!

unlimited availability


EUR 20

Friends of listeners
Red donor
A personalized thank you from our team and exclusive set of digital wallpapers themed around emotional support, perfect for your PC or smartphone.

unlimited availability


EUR 50

Friends of listeners
Silver donor
A personalized badge to display on your social media profiles or website, marking you as a "Friend of Listeners".
Exclusive access to 3 training videos created during the project, allowing you to preview the complete content.

unlimited availability


EUR 100

Friends of listeners
Golden donor
Exclusive invitation to a virtual meeting with our project team, where we’ll answer your questions, and will give you information about the helpline and listening service provided by the volunteers.
Digital certificate of appreciation, recognizing your support for our project.
Early access to all the training videos we produce.

Planned delivery date

October 2024

unlimited availability


Alternative Bank  Schweiz

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Location Zürich

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