Crowdified! This project has been successfully funded on 18. March 2020. Thanks to the 32 boosters that made it possible!

Graniums Debut!

Production of the first album of Granium

Granium Frauenfeld, CH

Project Overview

Recording, mixing, mastering and pressing our first album on vinyl

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3.741 CHF
of 3.500 CHF
supported project
Graniums Debut!
Graniums Debut!
Graniums Debut!
Graniums Debut!
Granium, Granium, Granium? Isn't this a tiny lovely flower, mostly known for swiss balconies? You're right. But it's also the nameof our band which wants to play in front of an audience. But to reach an audience, we need to produce a record.

Our first album should have at least eight songs and everything is ready: the band, the songs, the studio, the sound engineer, the artwork.

If you like listen to this kind of music please donate a little or a big amount and you will get a very special "Goodie"!

The costs for the whole production are at least 7000 CHF and our aim is to cover half of the costs with crowdify.

If we get more than that, we could record some more songs!
We are very very thankfull for every donation!
Graniums Debut!
Frauenfeld, CH

Da es unser grösster Wunsch ist, unsere Musik nicht nur im Proberaum für uns zu spielen, sondern für ein begeistertes Publikum, brauchen wir diese Aufnahme dringend. Denn ohne Demotape kann man sich als Band nicht bewerben.

Sarah Stark
Sarah Stark
8280 Kreuzlingen, CH

Because it's our biggest dream to play our sound in front of an audience, we really need a good record. That's why we want to go to a professional studio.

Tommy Werner
Tommy Werner
8500 Frauenfeld, CH

Ich bin der Sänger und Gitarrist der Band Granium und ich denke es ist an der Zeit unseren Sound auf die Menschheit los zu lassen.

Jonas Weibel
Jonas Weibel
8500 Frauenfeld, CH

Ich bin der Schlagzeuger von Granium und gebe alles, damit wir wieder auftreten können.

Popular goodies

Graniums Debut!

CHF 99

Signed vinyl record with downloadcode + Granium T-shirt in a Granium-bag

Graniums Debut!

CHF 30

Granium T-shirt

Graniums Debut!

CHF 50

vinyl record with downloadcode


Phaidon Berdelis
Jean-Jaques de la Gruyère

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Location Frauenfeld

Music & Sound