Crowdified! This project has been successfully funded on 06. August 2021. Thanks to the 51 boosters that made it possible!

Help for Zanzibar

Give Happiness

Furaha ya Zanzibar
Furaha ya Zanzibar Zürich, CH

Project Overview

We are currently collecting relief supplies for the islanders on Unguja / Zanzibar. To ensure the shipment to Zanzibar, we need your help! Your donation will ensure the dispatch of the relief supplies and a secure arrival in Zanzibar by the end of October 2021. Every small donation helps the local people. Asante Sana

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5.000 CHF
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Help for Zanzibar
Help for Zanzibar
Help for Zanzibar
Help for Zanzibar
Help for Zanzibar
Help for Zanzibar
The sub-state offers magical places with picturesque beaches. But the first impression does not prove reality. A drive across the island, far off the famous tourist spots and expensive hotel complexes, reveals a picture of endless poverty. Even though it seems that tourism would be a great source of income for the islanders, the reality looks different. A large part of the profit made in the tourism industry unfortunately benefits only foreign companies with their foreign workers.
More than half of the population lives below the poverty line and their possibilities to escape from the poverty spiral are extremely limited due to their given living conditions. Many families cannot afford schooling for their children and better prospects for the future are impossible to think of.
This is where we want to start with our project. We believe in the power of solidarity.
Help for Zanzibar
Help for Zanzibar
We are currently collecting relief items such as school supplies, books, clothes, toys as well as medical supplies that will benefit the children and their families in the following locations:

 Nursery school Venuc Academy (4 - 6 years)
 Primary School Kidonge Chekundu (6-11 years)
 Families in the village of Kichwele
Help for Zanzibar
Help for Zanzibar
extremely grateful for it. Now we lack sufficient funds to send the donations to Zanzibar. With the help of crowdfunding and thus your support, we can ensure the transport and the arrival by the end of October 2021. Both of us will be there to receive the relief supplies and hand them personally out to the schools as well as to the families in need. On our Instagram account furaha.ya.zanzibar we will continuously report about the progress with current pictures and impressions.
With the achievement of the target amount we are able to send relief goods with a weight of 600 KG. Our assistance will not end after this point. Any contribution above the target amount will go directly to the project and ensure the achievement of additional relief supplies.
Help for Zanzibar
Help for Zanzibar
Furaha ya Zanzibar
Furaha ya Zanzibar
Zürich, CH

We are two friends from Switzerland with an enthusiasm for traveling and other cultures. During a stay on the island of Unguja/Zanzibar we got a multifaceted insight into the life of the islanders. We were allowed to get to know many warm people with their contagious joie de vivre, which resulted in long lasting friendships.

Besides dozens of beautiful and enriching encounters that we were able to experience, we gained insights into the real life of the population of Zanzibar with many living below the poverty line.

All these experiences and encounters made us start developing our mission and vision for a charity project for Zanzibar. Since the need for help is infinitely great, we have decided to focus on the children and their families in order to make their everyday life at least a little easier.

The well-being of the islanders is of great concern to us, therefore we do not only want to launch a one-time project, but we are already in talks to found a humanitarian association.

"Furaha ya Zanzibar" means "The Joy of Zanzibar" in the local language Swahili.

For us, the project name has different meanings. On the one hand the joy that we give to the people in need through our help, on the other hand the enormous joy of the population that we were able to experience during and after our visit.

Romina Schmid
Romina Schmid
Zürich, CH

I am Romina, a travel enthusiastic young woman and a qualified nurse. In December 2020 I had the opportunity to visit my friend Cornelia during her stay in Zanzibar.

Besides numerous beautiful and fascinating impressions such as pristine beaches, turquoise blue sea or impressive historical buildings and cities, the widespread poverty of the island has marked and touched me most. Villages living below the subsistence level and struggling for daily drinking water was devastating to see. The circumstances in which the island's inhabitants find themselves affected me deeply and made me incredibly sad. To see the struggle for survival human beings in other countries have, made me think.

These different experiences, impressions, and emotions, I was allowed to experience on the island, lead to kick-off this project with Cornelia, in order to help those in need. To give back something we have in "surplus" to people in need. This purpose has always been very important to me. While being in the process of realizing this project, it confirmed my purpose in life.

Cornelia Fürst
Cornelia Fürst
Zürich, CH

My name is Cornelia, grew up in Switzerland and feeling at home everywhere in the world. Traveling is one of my passions. I am extremely grateful for being able to encounter different cultures around the globe. Last year I went again on an uncertain adventure. My travel journey unexpectedly led me to Unguja/Zanzibar where I was immediately welcomed by the warm-hearted people living there. The island and its inhabitants totally enchanted me and the reason for me to spend 6 wonderful months in Unguja. In addition to all the unforgettable beautiful and enriching encounters, the sight of the bitter poverty did upset me deeply and made me reflect things. In apartment block settlements or simple bamboo huts outside the tourist areas, the inhabitants live in extreme devastating poverty without running water or electricity. Because of their enjoyment of life, one can't see that the locals actually struggle every day to be able to satisfy their vital basic needs to a certain extent. They do not complain about their suffering but rather appreciate what they have and support each other at all times. This strong solidarity and their positive attitude towards life despite their poor living conditions have genuinely impressed me.

This fundraising campaign has come from the bottom of my heart. I hope to reach out to all those people who want to contribute to make everyday life a little easier.

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