Crowdified! This project has been successfully funded on 14. June 2015. Thanks to the 26 boosters that made it possible!

Learning to see

Art display

Gabriel Dominicus Kirchner
Gabriel Dominicus Kirchner Bochum, DE
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2.500 EUR
of 2.500 EUR
supported project
Learning to see
Learning to see
Learning to see
Learning to see
Learning to see
Learning to see
Again and again I find it challening to stop. To catch a deep breath. To slow down. But when I see the world through the lens of my camera - I begin to notice. I walk - and I see. Or better: I'm learning to see. To really look at the world around me. And there are many wonders to be discovered.

An old stairwell holds magnificent colours in its cracking paint on the walls. Rusting valves become wonders in shape and structure - and a little bit of ice on a frozen well turns into a sparkling world when the cold morning sun rises.

But really, it's hard to just talk about those things. And that's why I want to share a few of the discoveries I stumbled upon during my journey in the last years. I want to show you, what I have been learning to see.

And in order to do that - I need your help.

My first official art display will be in the beginning of April (06-11) at the Sauerland Stern Hotel in Willingen, Germany. I get to use the great and bright inner courtyard of the hotel to present my photography.

And to make that happen - there are still a few steps to go. And the biggest one might be the financial one. Since the architecture (and the way I designed this exhibition) require large prints - the costs are a bit larger as well.
Especially for a student.

So I need your help!
If you want to support my photography, this exhibition and my first (bigger) steps into the direction of my (he)art - then click on the right and boost my project!

Thank you so very much!
As you can see in the little video I posted - there are no photos present in the yard at this point in time (the way I intend to present the prints can be seen in the little photomontage above). And since I intend to display 18 prints (6 sets with 3 pictures each) there is still a lot to do.

The money will therefore be used to
- help me finance the prints themselves
- pay for all other necessary materials (e.g. mountings, steel cables, all promotional articles like flyers, ...)
- and provide for other costs (e.g. transport of the pictures, fees,..).

The estimated amount of 2500€ will help me to pay for most of these things.

Should there be money even above that, I will
- be able to finance all other costs
- donate a little sum to the hotel and the society that lets me use this wonderful space
- buy myself a new lens that I've been dreaming of for quite a while and that I believe will help my photography to a next level (350€)

Any money that will be raised even over this last personal wish, will be donated.
And that brings me to a second, and very important, focus of this art display.

I hope not only that people will be touched by my art and "learn to see" for their personal lifes, but I also want to use this (and every coming) even to raise attention for other projects, charities or causes that are of importance to me.

There are so many things going on outside of our own personal box that I think are worth exploring. Worth noticing - and worth for us to learn to see them.

And since I don't just want to talk about helping - I will donate 50% of all of the profits generated by selling the photos, postcards, calendars or photobooks of this exhibition.

The money will go to Metro World Child - a global faith-based, non-profit humanitarian organization dedicated to serving inner-city children throughout urban centers. From New York City to Mumbai.
Metro serves nearly 100,000 children each week with after school programs, Sunday School services, child sponsorship, special programs and personal home visits.

Since I've had the honor of working with Metro World Child in New York for a few months myself (in 2011, the picture below shows me playing with a boy in the Bronx) I know that the work they're doing is really changing the lives of thousand of children and making a lasting impact every day.

You'll find further information on their website:

So thank you for supporting this work and my art - I'm extremely thankful!
And so are the kids that will benefit from the money generated by my exhibition - I can't wait to tell you about the impact we've made!
Learning to see
Learning to see
Gabriel Dominicus Kirchner
Gabriel Dominicus Kirchner
Bochum, DE
Photographer, psychology student, maverick

My name is Gabriel Dominicus Kirchner I'm 23 years old, study psychology and have started photography about 9 years ago. Now my first official art display is about to take place and what most inspired me to make this happen is the though of inspiring more people with my art and to use my gift to help others and make this world a better place. In order to finance the exhibit and maybe even make some money that I can donate, I need your help!


Almost there!

Almost there!

. Publish by Initiator.
Yes - we're almost there! Thank you so much! Now there's only about 10% missing - and once the goal is reached the...
Yes - we're almost there! Thank you so much! Now there's only about 10% missing - ...
March 30

One week to go

. Publish by Initiator.
Hey everyone -although there are still 76 to raise the funds for my exhibition - it's only one week to go until the display sta...
Hey everyone -although there are still 76 to raise the funds for my exhibition - it's only on...

Popular goodies

EUR 29

Set of postcards

EUR 49

Set of postcards and photobook

EUR 15



Almost there!

Almost there!

. Publish by Initiator.
Yes - we're almost there! Thank you so much! Now there's only about 10% missing - and once the goal is reached the...
Yes - we're almost there! Thank you so much! Now there's only about 10% missing - ...



See all projects on Crowdify

Category Photography
Location bundesweit
