Masterstudium Art

Unterstützung durch das Masterstudium Art Education

Tommy Käch
Tommy Käch Lyss, CH

Project Overview

Hello everyone, my girlfriend will graduate this year her Bachelor's degree in Fine Arts at the ZHdK and will start her Master's degree in Art Education in Septembre 2025.

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of 40.000 CHF
of 45 days left
supported project
Masterstudium Art
Masterstudium Art
Masterstudium Art

Funding goals

  1. Stage 1:

    7.000 CHF

    0% funded

    With this first step, half a year of her masters study would be supported. This includes study costs and rent.

  2. Stage 2:

    13.000 CHF

    0% funded

    With this 2nd step a whole year would be covered, including study costs of 2 semester and the rent too.

  3. Stage 3:

    26.000 CHF

    0% funded

    With the 3rd step, roughly the full costs and rent would be paid of the 4 semester, the full masters degree.

  4. Stage 4:

    30.000 CHF

    0% funded

    With this step it would 100% cover the whole study costs aslike the rent and money for groceries for both years in the study.

  5. Finish Stage:

    40.000 CHF

    0% funded

    With the last step i look forward that everything should be covered in the masters degree of my girlfriend. This includes study costs, rent, insurances, health insurances and also groceries. Maybe there is a few money left for her to make her happy :)

I have been with my girlfriend for a long time, and I admire how talented she is at drawing. She also loves to dance and is an upbeat, wonderful, and loving woman whom I love with all my heart.

She is an inspiration to me, seeing how much she lives for art, how passionate she is about her drawings, and how she never gives up.

As it is difficult for her to get financial support for her master's degree, I am doing my best to help her with this crowdfunding.

I truly wish that she can achieve her goals and receive the necessary support.

I will explain why her situation is challenging in the following text and already deeply thank you for your support! (:
My girlfriend has been able to finance her studies so far with a part-time job and financial support from her father's alimony payments. However, she will no longer receive these payments after completing her bachelor's degree, as this degree is theoretically considered sufficient for entering the workforce. Unfortunately, in practice, the reality is quite the opposite. Even the professors at ZHdK confirm that finding a job with this bachelor's degree alone is nearly impossible.

Her father is unwilling to provide voluntary financial support after her bachelor's degree, as he prefers to spend his money elsewhere instead of helping his daughter—despite earning more than enough. Because of this, she has also been denied scholarships. Her mother, unfortunately, cannot help due to her income situation.

We have explored all possible options but haven't found a viable solution. I would love to support her financially, but with my salary as an administrative clerk, I would face serious financial difficulties myself.

She could increase her part-time job hours slightly, but only to a limited extent, as the master's program is only available as a full-time course.
Being able to complete the Master’s in Art Education is something very close to her heart.

It will enable her to work as an art educator in the future, making art more accessible to people. Whether as a teacher in schools or a mediator in art institutions, her goal is to provide as many people as possible with access to art and artistic practice.

Art is a wonderful tool for therapy and self-reflection.

She will continue working alongside her studies, but to compensate for the loss of alimony payments, I am starting this crowdfunding campaign.
Tommy Käch
Tommy Käch
Lyss, CH

My interests are all About social support, Sports, cooking, arts and books

I've got a lot of empathy, i'm an very open-minded and communicative human and like to welcome everyone.

I would like to change the world to a much better place, if its for better education for the childs also for the adults. I stand for justice for everyone and a world without war and to be together in harmony

Help me out, to be the change and the positive one in this world (:


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