Crowdified! This project has been successfully funded on 02. May 2014. Thanks to the 29 boosters that made it possible!

MDMD - Mapping Fiction

A cartomentary


Alan Twitchell
5.400 CHF
of 5.000 CHF
supported project
Karten sind die Zukunft. Kartografie ist heute so etwas wie der Todestern in Star Wars. Karten können alles machen - die ultimative Waffe im Universum. Sie können dir den nächsten Starbucks finden oder zusehen, dass du dich auf dem Weg dahin verläufst. Navigationsgeräte führen dich auf Wegen die noch gar nicht existieren zu Zielen von denen du gar nicht erst eine leise Ahnung hattest.

Aber Karten können noch viel mehr. Im Geheimen arbeitet die Zürcher ETH seit der legendäre Anden-Expedition von Ed Imhof in den 1920ern an einem Gerät, das auch fiktionale und fiktive Fakten aufzeichnen kann. Eine Multitude. Ein MDMD, ein Multi-Dimensional-Mapping-Device.

Unser Film, das erste Cartomentary aller Zeiten, deckt dieses ungeheure Forschungsvorhaben auf und zeigt die fatalen Folgen, die im Zusammenhang der ersten Feldversuche mit dem Prototypen begannen in Erscheinung zu treten. Hilf uns, unseren 20 minütigen Experimental-DocFilm zu produzieren.

Der Grossteil des Budgets wird von Seiten der ETH Zürich, Institut für Kartografie und Geoinformation übernommen. Die 5000 CHF, die wir auf diesem Weg suchen fliessen vor allem im zusätzliche Massnahmen in der Postproduktion. Hilf uns, unser Cartomentary noch schöner werden zu lassen.

Ein Projekt von und mit
Jan Buchholz, Sébastien Caquard, Loris Ciresa, Christoph Cramer, Kiriakos Hadjioannou, Lorenz Hurni, Elamr Kurze, Tabea Martin, Taien Ng-Chan, Lorenzo Oleggini, Stefan Räber, Anne-Kathrin Reuschel, Clemens Pagel, Barbara Piatti, David Röthlisberger, Claudia Schmid, Alan Twitchell


MDMD is an experimental short-film on cartography. The project is a mockumentary suggesting a secret research in the dark dungeons of ETH Zurich. One of Switzerlands most important cartographers, Prof Ed Imhof went out for an expedition into the Peruvian Andes, to measure some mountains. However, during his excursion an event unforeseen must have occurred and he started to question the role of cartography for the people. Cartography should be able to measure more than only 3 dimensions. It should be able to measure a multitude of dimensions, especially the intensity of fictionality. It should be able to measure myths, oral history, works of fiction, and fine art related to a certain spot. This is why Imhof set out to develop the MDMD - the multi-dimensional-mapping-device.

After his return to Zurich, Imhof focussed on creating a secret lab inside ETH and also founded a secret organization which should pursue this larger than life project after he would have passed away.

Especially with augmented reality becoming and issue in recent years, Cartopopo realized that it would have to intensify the research to "bring cartography back to the people". Cartopopolists shared a belief the in today's age, maps are only distracting people and guide them to further useless occasions of extended consumerism. Where is the next gas station, coffee shop, restaurant that suits my taste and wallet? Cartopopolists seem to believe that maps should provide knowledge and not only information on where to shop next.

With all that in mind, they tried to create the MDMD-APP which would allow everybody to measure the multiple dimensions Imhof was dreaming about. There was even rumors of a MDMD-Pro-APP which would be able to turn people into fictional characters. But then, something seemed to go terribly wrong.
Our project received a basic funding but we hope for your help to create a better financed picture. Thanks a lot – Alan, Christoph, Claudia & Jan
Alan Twitchell
Alan Twitchell
Basel, CH
Mapping Fiction

I am part of a collective elaborating an experimental mockumentary of a team of cartographers which try to map fiction. I am responsible to continuity and storyboard.

Jan Buchholz
Director/ Cut
Christoph Cramer
Sound/ Story
Claudia Schmid
Cut/ Story


February 03

Further participants

. Publish by Initiator.
Of course, our project would not have been possible without the fundamental help of many people who have not been cr...
Of course, our project would not have been possible without the fundamental help of man...
January 22


. Publish by Initiator.
The project involves a close collaboration with and is supported by the Institute of Cartography and Geoinformation, ETH Z...
The project involves a close collaboration with and is supported by the Institute of Cartogr...

Popular goodies

CHF 15


CHF 25


CHF 50



February 03

Further participants

. Publish by Initiator.
Of course, our project would not have been possible without the fundamental help of many people who have not been cr...
Of course, our project would not have been possible without the fundamental help of man...



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Location Basel

Film & Video