Crowdified! This project has been successfully funded on 26. November 2018. Thanks to the 56 boosters that made it possible!

More Kindness for animals

The Kindness Farm needs more plants

Martina Honegger
Martina Honegger Egg, CH
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6.200 CHF
of 6.000 CHF
supported project
More Kindness for animals
More Kindness for animals
More Kindness for animals
More Kindness for animals
More Kindness for animals
More Kindness for animals
The Kindness Farm is a sustainable and animal cruelty-free oasis in Visakhapatnam, in the East of India. Visakhapatnam is one of the fastest growing metropoles of the subcontinent. But when it's all about economic growth, nature falls by the wayside.

The new lands of the Kindness Farm need to be reforested to offer shade and food to the residents of the farm - the rescued animals and wildlife. This creates a place which is meant to serve as a role model for using recourses in a sustainable and eco-friendly way.
The Kindness Farm continuously grows and more and more wildlife finds its way to this place of calmness and peace. A diverse cultivation of native plants not only provides food for the animals but also valuable shade throughout the hot summer.
...serves as a role model for sustainable and cruelty free farming. a home for rescued animals.
...helps wildlife to reestablish themselves in this region and provides a save territory.
...produces biogas from cow dung and cleaning agent or fertilizer from cow urine.
...uses solar power.
...leaves an ecological footprint as small as possible behind!
...creates jobs for women, who otherwise would barely have a chance at earning an income.
...does awareness training.

The famous Australian philanthropist, Philipp Wollen, and NetAP’s president Esther Geisser are the patrons of this unique farm.
More Kindness for animals
Our goal is to raise CHF 6‘000 through crowdfunding. One bush costs between 10 and 15 Francs, one tree costs around 20 Francs.

With this amount, we can plant 200 bushes and 200 trees. This is really needed because the new land is 16‘000m2 (4 acres) big!
More Kindness for animals
Network for Animal Protection, short NetAP, is an international animal welfare organization, which has been founded already 10 years ago. We are an officially recognized Non-Profit Organization, this means that donations are therefore tax-exempt in Switzerland.
In order for all donations to be used solely on animal welfare projects all board members as well as the numerous volunteers work unsalaried. Administration expenses are all being covered by the board members or benefactors.
On the basis of great expert knowledge and many years of experience, does NetAP focus on improving the living conditions of the so called ’farm‘ animals and ‘street‘ animals.

The numerous projects in India are all in cooperation with our long standing partner Visakah Society for the Protection and Care of Animals (VSPCA). Besides the programs for dogs, cats and cows, there are also wildlife conservation programs for sea turtles, sharks and migrant birds as well as a program for the homeless.
Martina Honegger
Martina Honegger
Egg, CH

I started working for NetAP when I wrote my bachelor thesis about Crowdfunding. And now I am a volunteer of NetAP and help in various areas, especially with organizational and administrative tasks. I studied International Business and Managment and I feel lucky to be able to use my education to support such a great organization!




. Publish by Initiator.
A big thanks to everyone who helps to make this project a success! We crossed the CHF 6’000 mark today! Ne...
A big thanks to everyone who helps to make this project a success! We crossed the CHF ...
The last third - we really have to get a move on!

The last third - we really have to get a move on!

. Publish by Initiator.
Dear animal lovers, The last third of the campaign time starts today and we still need CHF 955! Yesterday we got...
Dear animal lovers, The last third of the campaign time starts today and we still need ...

Popular goodies

CHF 20

Planting a tree

CHF 15

Planting a bush

CHF 50

Thank you e-mail




. Publish by Initiator.
A big thanks to everyone who helps to make this project a success! We crossed the CHF 6’000 mark today! Ne...
A big thanks to everyone who helps to make this project a success! We crossed the CHF ...



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