Crowdified! This project has been successfully funded on 21. July 2024. Thanks to the 77 boosters that made it possible!


Secure C.s* education and residence in Europe!


Martin Reck
Martin Reck Bern, CH
Nina B.
Nina B. Bern, CH
Project initiators are tax exempt

Project Overview

Support our friend to stay and study in Europe. He is active in the climate justice movement in the Global South and is currently studying in Europe. His right to stay is at risk and a return to his country is impossible due to the political oppression and military dictatorship there. Only by networking individuals are we a movement. Solidarity with individuals therefore always means solidarity with everyone.

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7.256 CHF
of 17.500 CHF
supported project

Funding goals

  1. Stage 1:

    2.000 CHF

    100% funded

    Our friend can already finance his studies and living costs for two months. :D Many thanks! <3

  2. Stage 2:

    4.000 CHF

    100% funded

    Our friend is delighted to have already been able to pay for four months of his studies and his rent, food costs etc. Thank you!

  3. Stage 3:

    7.256 CHF

    100% funded

    With the 8,000 francs our friend can finance his studies and his life for more than half a year!

  4. Stage 4:

    12.000 CHF

    0% funded

    A huge thank you to you all. It's only thanks to you that our friend can finance a whole year (!!) of study.
    Thank you, thank you <3!!!

  5. Stage 5:

    14.000 CHF

    0% funded

    By reaching this stage, you have made it possible for our friend to go through his everyday life with more ease because his place at universiy is now secured and he can pay for his living costs for one year! :)
    Thank you!

  6. Finish Stage:

    17.500 CHF

    0% funded

    We made it! And only thanks to you!
    By reaching the target amount, you have helped to ensure our friend's stay, his studies and thus his safety in Europe for a longer period of time. A thousand thanks!!!

Our co-activist and friend is active in the climate justice movement in the Global South. We would like to support him in realizing his academic dream and securing his current residency.

For security reasons, we cannot share any information about him and his name and personal details.

We have shared our friend's long journey in the struggle for justice, freedom and democracy in his country and have witnessed difficult phases and great moments.

Our co-activist has recently arrived in Europe and wants to finish his studies here in order to return to his home country and continue on the path of liberation.

But due to the political repression and military dictatorship in his country, his return has become impossible, especially because he has been an activist before.

Our friend is determined to continue his academic education and realize his dream of becoming a journalist. He can continue his studies if he can finance it himself. Unfortunately, he lacks the necessary funds. What's more, he is currently not allowed to work in the country where he is studying. His academic education is linked to his stay in Europe and is therefore necessary for his right to stay.

We have tried everything possible to get him a scholarship, but our attempts have been unsuccessful.

That is why we are turning to you with this fundraising campaign to collect the necessary donations so that he can fulfill his dream. The fundraiser will cover the cost of accommodation, living expenses and utilities for one year in accordance with the International Student Residence Act.

We believe that it should not only be possible for privileged white people to get involved in climate justice and we want a world in which all people are entitled to a good education and are free to choose where they want to live.

Your contribution, however small, will make a big difference.

Thank you for your support and solidarity.
Martin Reck
Martin Reck
Bern, CH

Climatestrike Switzerland is calling, among other demands, for climate justice so that people who are materially, financially or socially disadvantaged are not additionally harmed by the crisis or by measures to combat it.

This includes the Climatestrike engaging in dialogue with movements and climate activists in or from the Global South on an equal level. It also includes co-financing the studies of a climate activist who comes from a country badly marked by civil war and exploitation.

Nina B.
Nina B.
Bern, CH

I am active in Climatestrike Switzerland, in particular in the "Decolonise Climatestrike and Solidarity" work group. I am interested in and deal with structural issues in social movements and find it extremely important that solidarity is not only talked about - but that it is also lived. This crowdfunding offers a small opportunity to do precisely this.

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Location Bern

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