CHF 50
The river. The roof. The stairs. For almost 20 years, Openair Wipkingen has been an important part of the cultural agenda in Wipkingen and the city of Zurich. A small neighborhood event has grown into a large festival that provides a stage for music and culture. Now the Openair needs 50,000 CHF to be able to continue.
100% funded
With the donations from the first stage, we want to pay off our outstanding bills. Every year, we have high costs for infrastructure such as sanitation, water, electricity, and technology. We also have to pay for food and beverages, as well as the fees for our artists. Even if we don't manage to hold another festival, it's extremely important to us that we can pay all of our long-standing partners and suppliers, as well as our artists, for their work. Help us pay our bills <3
100% funded
In addition to the financial expenses incurred during the festival, we also have running costs throughout the whole year. In order for our organization to remain liquid and to start planning another openair at all, we need your help here as well. Without a financial cushion, the weather is not the only burden we face. New regulations issued by the City of Zurich also present us with challenges. These not only complicate the approval process and implementation but also cause additional costs (e.g., floor protection mats) that strain our budget.
101% funded
The final stage of our crowdfunding ensures that we will be able to pay our acts a good wage for the next openair. So your contribution goes to our artists. It is important to us to ensure fair wages for the artists, in addition to the platform that an openair offers. As part of the Zurich cultural scene, we want to reward those who enrich our festival with their music.
The OK Openair Wipkingen organizes the annual free Openair on the Wipkingerwiese and thus makes a valuable contribution to the cultural offerings of the city of Zurich. The association is based exclusively on the solidarity work of volunteers.
Es gibt kein Ort, wo Melinda mit ihrem weissen Van nicht durchkommt.
Alles, was so mit Kommunikation zu tun hat, vor allem viel Reden.
«Schaffe, schaffe, Häusle baue»
Liebe geht durch den Magen, das weiss Lucie schon seit 2014.
Bringt den Grill mit Sicherheit immer zum Glühen.
Andi isch kreAktiv am Start fürs Openair.
Die Wächterin des Schlüssels und unsere persönliche Zeltdach-Nähmeisterin.
Sprintet mit Bier-Fässern um die Wette.
Fabio verbaut alles, was bei drei nicht auf dem Dach ist.