Crowdified! This project has been successfully funded on 29. November 2017. Thanks to the 82 boosters that made it possible!

V-Day Basel

"The Vagina Monologues" 2018

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5.111 CHF
of 5.000 CHF
supported project
V-Day is a global activist movement that aims to eradicate violence against women and girls. Through annual V-Day campaigns like The Vagina Monologues, local volunteers raise awareness and gather funds for organizations within their own communities who are working towards the same goals.

The first edition of The Vagina Monologues in Basel took place in 2017. Following the successful premiere, there was much enthusiasm to continue with The Vagina Monologues in Basel on a yearly basis. Which brings us to now: the presentation of the second edition.

There are various aspects to The Vagina Monologues that makes this a unique performance – one that carries a long and varied history of productions throughout the world.
Firstly: this is a play that is based on women’s true accounts. It is, by definition, authentic and adaptable.

Secondly, the production of The Vagina Monologues is a non-profit-based-and-led project, run solely by volunteers.
It is worth pointing out how many people have already contributed their support to this project, dedicating time, effort and passion to its development since spring of this year. This includes the five production team members and 16 cast members, as well as the various individuals who have helped out with filming/editing, proofreading and photography, among other activities.

Thirdly, according to the V-Day guidelines, all profit will be donated to a local organization that aims to end violence against women and girls. This year, like last year, we are donating our profits to Aliena, an organization committed to improving the conditions of women working in the sex trade in Basel. Another guideline we adhere to is to produce The Vagina Monologues both locally and at a low budget. This being said, we are asking for your financial support to help cover our production costs, which include but are not limited to the rehearsal space, the venue and the printing costs. We appreciate any and all contributions!
Anissa Yasmin Gabelmann
Anissa Yasmin Gabelmann
Basel, CH

My hope for this production is for the team to embark on a journey together, to create a play that both raises awareness and opens up discussion about topics that are often unfortunately still taboo.

Johanna Schüpbach
Johanna Schüpbach

I am looking forward to the next months and the development of this project, to meeting new people, assembling a wonderful cast, to growth and learning throughout working on this project, and just generally the overall intensive and rewarding time that lies ahead.

Richard Brown
Richard Brown
Stage Manager
Thomas Rasmussen
Thomas Rasmussen
Graphic and Web Designer
Roberta Spano
Roberta Spano
Social Media and Crowdfunding Lead
Kim Stengl
Kim Stengl
Social Media and Crowdfunding Lead


February 24

CHF 7855.61

. Publish by Initiator.
We‘ve donated CHF 7855.61 to Aliena! Thank you all so much for your support; during the crowdfunding, for coming t...
We‘ve donated CHF 7855.61 to Aliena! Thank you all so much for your support; during ...
January 29


. Publish by Initiator.
Dear all We made it! All three of our shows are SOLD OUT! A huge thank you to every single one of you for helpi...
Dear all We made it! All three of our shows are SOLD OUT! A huge thank you to e...

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February 24

CHF 7855.61

. Publish by Initiator.
We‘ve donated CHF 7855.61 to Aliena! Thank you all so much for your support; during the crowdfunding, for coming t...
We‘ve donated CHF 7855.61 to Aliena! Thank you all so much for your support; during ...



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Category Culture
Location Basel
