Crowdified! This project has been successfully funded on 26. June 2020. Thanks to the 9 boosters that made it possible!

Wino runs for KMSK

KMSK Swiss Challenge 2020 - Stage 1 of 3

Wino Wijnen
Wino Wijnen Zurich, CH

Project Overview

Fundraising for the Forderverein fur Kinder mit Seltenen Krankheiten ( This foundation supports families that are affected by rare diseases by organizing heartwarming support and events. As part of the KMSK Swiss Challenge 2020, I aim to run at least 200km in one month (start on 11 May). For each completed km I will personally donate 1,- CHF to KMSK. Support KMSK by contributing to this effort. The raised funds go directly to KMSK.

580 CHF
of 500 CHF
supported project
Wino runs for KMSK
Wino runs for KMSK
Wino runs for KMSK
In Switzerland, about 350.000 children are affected by rare diseases. The Forderverein fur Kinder mit Seltenen Krankheiten (KMSK) is a foundation that supports children and families who are affected by rare diseases. It organizes networking events, social activities, and information meetings. These heartwarming events bring families together and offer a welcome distraction from the daily impact of living with a rare disease.

In 2020, we were planning to participate with a KMSK team in the SOLA stafette (a yearly relay run in Zurich) to raise awareness and funds for the foundation. Unfortunately, COVID-19 led to the cancellation of the race.

As an alternative, KMSK has organized the KMSK Swiss Challenge 2020, a COVID-19 compatible ‘virtual’ race where each runner participates individually. Between 11th of May and 18th October 2020, there will be 3 one-month stages during which I will try to run at least 200km each.

This fundraising event concerns the first stage (between 11th of May and 21st of June), during which I plan to run 200 km (within a month, starting on 11th of May). For each km, I will personally donate 1,- CHF to KMSK, and with this crowdfunding I hope to mobilize additional support (it will also help to keep me going).
You can track my effort via the blog (see link below), where I will share my progress towards the 200 km (all activities will be recorded digitally).

Of course, feel encouraged to join the KMSK Swiss Challenge 2020 by registering and become active yourself (hiking, biking, running, or golfing).

Follow my progress towards the 200 km:
More information about KMSK:

Disclaimer: There is no guarantee that I will reach the 200 km, but I will do my best. I do however guarantee a personal donation of CHF 200,-
Wino runs for KMSK
Wino Wijnen
Wino Wijnen
Zurich, CH
Runner / Occasional crowdfunder / Innovation manager

As an innovation manager, I support academic research initiatives. Via a project on rare diseases I came in contact with the Forderverein fur Kinder mit Seltenen Krankheiten ( Motivated by their heartwarming efforts to support families who are affected by rare diseases, I want to make a spontaneous effort by coupling my participation to the KMSK Swiss Challenge 2020 to a crowdfunding campaign.


June 09

The third and fourth week

. Publish by Initiator.
A big thanks to all the supporters: we reached the initial goal and the crowdfunding campaign is a success. The Fordervere...
A big thanks to all the supporters: we reached the initial goal and the crowdfunding campa...
The second week: Halfway

The second week: Halfway

. Publish by Initiator.
At the end of the second week, the 100 km milestone has been reached right on schedule. As of today, the counter sta...
At the end of the second week, the 100 km milestone has been reached right on schedul...

Popular goodies

Wino runs for KMSK

CHF 75

A huge thanks for your support!!!

Wino runs for KMSK

CHF 100

KMSK Wissensbuch - Seltene Krankheiten

Wino runs for KMSK

CHF 50

A big thanks for your support!!


June 09

The third and fourth week

. Publish by Initiator.
A big thanks to all the supporters: we reached the initial goal and the crowdfunding campaign is a success. The Fordervere...
A big thanks to all the supporters: we reached the initial goal and the crowdfunding campa...



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Location Zürich

Social projects