Crowdified! Ce projet a été financé avec succès le 14 Janvier 2019. Merci à tous les 18 boosters qui ont rendu cela possible!!

Station Meteo à Mt Racine

Pour les Snowkiters : station de mesure du vent et webcam

Daniel Heppler
Daniel Heppler Burgdorf, CH
Changer la langue du projet /
1 500 CHF
de 1 500 CHF
projet soutenu
Daniel Heppler

Station Meteo à Mt Racine - 100 % reached

Stefan A. Schütz boosted the project to the target.
Many thanks to Stefan and all other boosters.
We now order and prepare the station

We got some unexpected problems with the site.
We didn't get the permission from to set up the station on the ground of the army. We are now looking for alternatives.

Daniel & Serge
Station Meteo à Mt Racine - 100 % reached

D'autres actualités

Les Petits Ponts instead of Mt Racine

Les Petits Ponts instead of Mt Racine

. Publication par l'initiateur.trice du projet
We were not able to get a permission from the swiss army to place the station on Mt Racine. So we decided to place it ...
We were not able to get a permission from the swiss army to place the station on Mt Rac...
Meteostation in Test

Meteostation in Test

. Publication par l'initiateur.trice du projet
Station ordered, set up and optimized for the use in Jura. Serge is still searching for an allowed site on Mt Racine. ...
Station ordered, set up and optimized for the use in Jura. Serge is still searching for an al...

Goodies populaires

CHF 200

Gold Sponsor

CHF 50

Bronce Sponsor

CHF 100

Silver Sponsor


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Catégorie Sport & Santé
Emplacement Mont Racine

Sport & Santé