Invest in gratitude

meet - enjoy - support

Virginie Rusca
Virginie Rusca Zürich, CH

Project Overview

Every day is an opportunity to say «merci». With your support, I want to create a space for inspiring encounters and social interaction. «treffpunkt merci» should not just be a café, but a home where your needs are taken seriously. Whether you have coeliac disease, are vegan, vegetarian or omnivorous: There will be something delicious for everyone. Become part of my vision and let's make «treffpunkt merci» a reality!

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3.885 CHF
of 21.000 CHF
of 50 days left
supported project

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Enter the desired amount or select an exclusive goodie below. By the way: the minimum sum is 1 CHF or 1 euros. Important: the fees charged by the financial service providers still have to be deducted from your donation. The deduction for a crowdify.nethandling fee will only be made when the project is successful. If the project doesn't reach its funding target then the money will be transferred back to you, minus the fees charged by the financial service provider.

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CHF 21

Invest in gratitude
A pinch of gratitude
Let us know in which language you want to say «merci» to beloved ones and we will send you 5 personalised postcards in the respective language(s).

You will also receive a handwritten «merci» postcard and an air kiss!

Planned delivery date

November 2024

unlimited availability


CHF 21

Invest in gratitude
Say it with flowers
... or with a dandelion!

Tell us which image you would like to say «merci» to people you love with, and we will send you 4 personalised cards with envelope (format 14.3 x 14.3 cm) with the selected photo(s) of Mirjam.
(By the way, on her Instagram account @mirjschweizer, you can find more beautiful pictures.)

You will also receive a handwritten «merci» postcard and an air kiss!

Planned delivery date

November 2024

unlimited availability


CHF 21

Invest in gratitude
«Du coole Socke!»
Whether you buy this goodie for yourself or for someone close to your heart, you will automatically become a «coole Socke» because you are supporting my mission - and that's very cool!

Let us know if you would like the floral or a personalised version.
For your exclusive socks, you can choose 2 words from the following 10:
1. tough 2. crunchy 3. sexy 4. cookie 5. hello
6. gorgeous 7. booster 8. but first 9. coffee 10. chocolate

PS: We look forward to receiving a picture of you and your socks, which we will proudly display on our website under the section «Diese coolen Socken unterstützen uns» (coole-socke@treffpunkt-m...

PPS: A «coole Socke» is a great, likeable, confident, relaxed person ;-)

Planned delivery date

December 2024

unlimited availability


CHF 63

Invest in gratitude
Twos are twice as much fun!
How about 2 pairs of socks and 2 vouchers for a drink* of your choice?

Please let us know if you would like the floral version and/or one or two personalised versions. For your exclusive socks, you can choose 2 resp. 4 words from the following 10:
1. tough 2. crunchy 3. sexy 4. cookie 5. hello
6. gorgeous 7. booster 8. but first 9. coffee 10. chocolate

PS: We look forward to receiving a picture of you and your socks, which we will proudly display on our website under the section «Diese coolen Socken unterstützen uns» (coole-socke@treffpunkt-m...

* Tea/coffee/syrup - redeemable after opening

Planned delivery date

December 2024

unlimited availability


CHF 84

Invest in gratitude
Connect 4
Here, the number 4 plays the leading role!

If you buy this goodie, you will receive, in addition to this popular strategy game, 4 vouchers for a drink* of your choice as well as 4 personalised cards to say «merci» to the people you love.
(More information about the personalised cards can be found in the description of the goodie «a pinch of gratitude»).

Furthermore, by purchasing this goodie, you are not only supporting my mission, but also the ARGO Foundation in Graubünden, which provides social and professional integration for adults with disabilities.

How about combining the collection of your goodie with a «Zvieri» (afternoon snack) on site to celebrate this wonderful number?

* Tea/coffee/syrup - redemption/collection after the opening

unlimited availability


CHF 105

Invest in gratitude
Honour your inner child!
Have your picture drawn on the large hidden objects picture in the play corner and receive your personalised postcard with the section of the hidden objects picture where you can be found. Your inner child will certainly love it!

In addition, you will also receive an invitation to the «hidden objects picture aperitif», where you will surely have lots of fun with like-minded people. ;-)

PS: The hidden objects picture (Max & Flocke, market place, source: BBK & Michael Hüter) is only a sample picture.

207x available


CHF 210

Invest in gratitude
A good dose of gratitude
We want to make your gratitude visible - on our digital «wall of gratitude» as well as at our café «treffpunkt merci».

For this, we need the following information:
- your name
- what fills you with gratitude (maximum 500 characters).
- in which language you would like «merci» to be written on the other side of the card, which we will print out and display in a place of honour at «treffpunkt merci».

Look forward to spending time with like-minded people at the «wall of gratitude» inauguration aperitif and take advantage of the 10 vouchers included, each valid for a drink* of your choice and a piece of cake, to come and have a look at the other gratitude cards that will be displayed along with yours.

* Tea/coffee/syrup - redemption after the opening

100x available


CHF 399

Invest in gratitude
Joy at breakfast
Surprise your loved ones not only with one of the four personalised «merci» cards that you will receive with this goodie, but also with an original breakfast board.
The black strip coated with blackboard paint can be re-inscribed again and again with a chalk marker.

As you will also receive 4 invitations to the «opening brunch» in addition to the 4 breakfast boards, you can take your goodie with you when you and your three guests go home with a full stomach and a joyful heart.

By purchasing this goodie, you are not only supporting my mission, but also the ARGO Foundation in Graubünden, which provides social and professional integration for adults with disabilities.

Collection of the goodie on site after the opening

unlimited availability


CHF 609

Invest in gratitude
Stand-up aperitifs made easier (and cooler)
It is up to you whether you use some of the four personalised «merci» cards included in this goodie to invite your loved ones to accompany you to the «opening dinner», for which you will receive 4 invitations.

One thing is certain: thanks to these cool and practical boards, your future stand-up aperitifs will be easier for everyone present!

By purchasing this goodie, you will not only be supporting my mission, but also the ARGO Foundation in Graubünden, which is dedicated to the social and professional integration of adults with disabilities.

You can take your 4 stand-up aperitif boards made of 4 different types of wood with you straight after the «opening dinner», where you will most certainly have interesting discussions with like-minded people.

305 x 115 x 50 mm
1x maple wood, 1x oak wood, 1x walnut wood, 1x cherry wood
Collection of the goodie on site after the opening

unlimited availability


CHF 2.100

Invest in gratitude
A huge portion of gratitude
How about a carefree evening with your loved ones, where you can fully enjoy their wonderful company and good conversation while a chef prepares a customised dinner that considers any needs, intolerances or other requirements?

Mario Mäusli, the wonderful diet chef and founder of Greeny ( will prepare fresh and exceptional creations for you and nine people you love.

Invest in gratitude, secure one of these seven fantastic goodies and express your gratitude to people dear to you in an original way!

Thanks to Mario's cooking skills, the evening is bound to create many precious memories that will last a very long time.

Available after the opening and upon agreement

7x available



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Location Oerlikon

Food & Drink