Crowdified! This project has been successfully funded on 10. November 2024. Thanks to the 84 boosters that made it possible!

Invest in gratitude

meet - enjoy - support

Virginie Rusca
Virginie Rusca Zürich, CH

Project Overview

Every day is an opportunity to say «merci». With your support, I want to create a space for inspiring encounters and social interaction. «treffpunkt merci» should not just be a café, but a home where your needs are taken seriously. Whether you have coeliac disease, are vegan, vegetarian or omnivorous: There will be something delicious for everyone. Become part of my vision and let's make «treffpunkt merci» a reality!

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14.526 CHF
of 21.000 CHF
supported project
Virginie Rusca

What a ride!

The second funding goal was reached shortly before the end: how fantastic!!!
I would like to say «merci» from the bottom of my heart to everyone who has supported my project and made it possible to reach this additional milestone! :-D

Before the crowdfunding journey ends tomorrow, I would like to share a few thoughts with you:
YES! All the excitement that comes with a campaign like this was worth it.
Yes, I could have done countless things differently. But at that moment, I did my best.
No, I definitely won't miss making videos!
Yes, together we raised a decent amount of money in a short period of time!
YES! The numerous messages have always encouraged me to keep going. Merci!
Yes, I will persevere, and I truly hope to be able to create «treffpunkt merci» soon.
YES! I feel immensely grateful for this adventure and am excited about the future.

Thank you a thousand times for your support!
Take care, keep in touch and ... hope to see you soon at «treffpunkt merci» ;-)

Gratefully yours,
What a ride!
Virginie Rusca

21 days left

As you may have already noticed, the number 21 is particularly close to my heart. This is because the World Day of Gratitude is celebrated on 21 September - which is also the day I started my crowdfunding campaign! ;-)

As I write these lines, the countdown shows that there are 21 days left to motivate other people to join my vision and help me to one day open my inclusive café «treffpunkt merci», where I dream of welcoming you and giving gratitude a place of honour.

If you know people who might be interested in this project and could support me, please pass on the information. Because every «merci» and every contribution counts!

Gratefully yours,
Virginie Rusca

WOW! The first funding goal has been reached!

Although I am very optimistic by nature and have become a true professional dreamer over the last five years of dreaming about my project, I NEVER thought we would reach the first funding goal in just a few days!

I am absolutely overwhelmed by this tremendous support. MERCI!

It's an intense time... Unfortunately, I haven't yet managed to develop my website or to post more about myself, neither here nor on social media.
I hope that will change soon.
Thank you for your patience and for continuing to support my mission by sharing it with others.

Gratefully yours,

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