Crowdified! This project has been successfully funded on 20. January 2022. Thanks to the 81 boosters that made it possible!

Tailoring School Uganda

Vocational training center in Uganda for 10 children

Rolf Meyer
Rolf Meyer Horw, CH

Project Overview

In Uganda Africa, nearby the capital Kampala, we started a vocational training center for currently 10 children learning the profession of a tailor. Run by 2 experienced female tailors, the children learn all the different techniques and materials needed to become a professional tailor. The programme last 1 to 1.5 years.

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20.012 CHF
of 20.000 CHF
supported project
Tailoring School Uganda
Tailoring School Uganda
Tailoring School Uganda
Tailoring School Uganda
Tailoring School Uganda
Tailoring School Uganda

Funding goals

  1. Stage 1:

    5.000 CHF

    100% funded

    We can run the training center with 2 teachers (experienced tailors) and 10 children for the next 18 months. This includes the needed materials as well as the salaries for the teachers.

  2. Stage 2:

    10.000 CHF

    100% funded

    With the additional 5'000 we will buy (used) electric sewing maschines.

  3. Finish Stage:

    20.000 CHF

    100% funded

    With the additional 10'000 we will extend the school to 20 children (renting a bigger space and buying more machines and materials, employing 1-2 more teachers).

Uganda is one of the poorest countries in the world. The educational system is rather weak, especially on the level of the vocational training there aren't many possibilities. Most children leave primary or secondary school and start working somewhere without a solid or even without any training at all.
During Covid-19 the situation became even worse. Schools are/were closed for about 18 months. Many children started to work during this period and will not return to school. Without reasonable training it will be very difficult to find a job where they can earn for themselves or their families in the future.
Maggie's Tailoring School is a bottom up project. Maggie, a very experienced tailor who used to produce mainly school uniforms for ages, started to teach a few children from the neighbouring villages how to sew, make uniforms and how to mend.
Starting there - with a little financial support from Switzerland - it further developed and grew. Meanwhile it is a little training center for future tailors. Currently there are 10 children aged 16 - 20. They will stay for 12 - 18 months and learn the different techniques of sewing and mending different materials, how to use the different machines.
Tailoring School Uganda
Tailoring School Uganda
The aim is to run the school in a professional way so the children/students will get the chance to become a tailor and have a living of it.
Therefore we need more materials and machines. The aim is also go grow so we can offer the training to more children.
There is the possibility to rent also the second half of the building where the school is currently located. With this there would be space for more machines and a total of 20 children.
My name is Rolf Meyer, I am Swiss and word as professor of entrepreneurship at FHNW.
I had the chance to support a former student of mine - she was born and raised in rural Uganda - setting up a secondary school in Uganda ( This was my start to connect with the country, getting in touch with many people from different fields. I also had the chance to do some research about entrepreneurship and incubators there. I coach, consult, and "invest" in different start-ups and companies. The "investment" is always thought as a social investment. Once the company is financially sunstainable, I (will) donate my investment to the founders.

One of my visions for the future is to set up a vocational training center in Uganda offering to learn different professions and also help the graduates to become an entrepreneur.

This project is a first step into this direction. Focussed on just one profession and rather small it is the ideal field to get more insights about the challengis of offering vocational trainings in Uganda.
Tailoring School Uganda
Tailoring School Uganda
I guarantee with my name and good reputation that
1. the project is real
2. The project is well thought out and managed
3. All donations go to the full extent of the project described and are only spent in Uganda
4. I am not getting any financial advantages from this project myself. I always pay for my trips to Uganda in full and will continue to do so in the future. I have never charged a fee in Uganda and I will not do so in the future either.

Prof. Dr. Rolf Meyer
Tailoring School Uganda
Tailoring School Uganda
Rolf Meyer
Rolf Meyer
Horw, CH
Professor FHNW

I am a professor for entrepreneurship at FHNW. Thanks to a school project ( of one of my former students, I got in contact with Unganda. My intention is to set up different institutions for vocational trainings.

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Location Kampala

Social projects