As a scientist, unfortunately I don’t earn enough to afford a yoga training and all the side expenses. My budget is at most CHF 6,000 and you will see, how the training programs cost overall well above this budget.
Basically I have three options for the hot yoga teacher training, all of which are highly prestigious and widely recognized. Moreover and very important for me is that taken the first or the third training options below, I will be able to teach in my yoga studio right away. So directly in action! Depending on the financial support, I will go to one of these three trainings.
1) Official Bikram Yoga training in April-June, only in Mexico
- registration and accommodation $12,500
As I don’t have so much money and it is also too much to ask from you :), I applied for a scholarship. The chance is little but I try my best!
- transport around $1000
- visa fee around $200
- 2 months unpaid leave from work: CHF 8,800
Total with full scholarship: CHF 10,000
This is really best scenario!
2) Barkan Training in June, US
- registration $3800 for early bird
- accommodation $1325
- transport around $1000
- visa fee around $200
- one month unpaid leave CHF 4,400
Total: CHF 10,500
So this should be possible, if I get the amount I asked for!
3) Fierce Grace in September half in UK half in Italy
- registration £3900
- accommodation around £1600
- total transport for both destinations around CHF 300
- visa fee around €200
- one month unpaid leave CHF 4,400
Total: CHF 12,200
Like the first one, this option allows me start teaching right away. That’s really nice, but I would need a bit more support from you, as it is more expensive.