Contemporary Printmaking Practices in Inter-Asian Context

Espace Noir
Espace Noir Saint-Imier, CH
Le Collectif

Project Overview

The autonomous cultural center Espace Noir, located in Saint-Imier - Switzerland, is preparing a woodblock print exhibition in collaboration with the Inter-Asia Woodcut Mapping Group. 11 committed collectives and artists from various regions of Asia will showcase their prints on the gallery walls of the cultural center. We hope to welcome a few artists to Switzerland to facilitate exchanges between artists and collectives from here and there.

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4.079 CHF
of 18.700 CHF
of 45 days left
supported project

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CHF 75

Woodcut printed gratitude card + Exhibition poster
During the linocut and woodcut workshops, we will create a special print to make thank you cards. You will receive one at home :-)

+ We are offering you the exhibition poster, which you can pick up at Espace Noir

unlimited availability


CHF 25

Woodcut printed gratitude card
During the linocut and woodcut workshops, we will create a special print to make thank you cards. You will receive one at home :-)

unlimited availability


CHF 100

Woodcut printed gratitude card + Exhibition poster + Woodcut DIY print
During the linocut and woodcut workshops, we will create a special print to make thank you cards. You will receive one at home :-)

+ We are offering you the exhibition poster, which you can pick up at Espace Noir

+ We will carve a woodcut art and print it in A4 format, which you can pick up at Espace Noir.

unlimited availability


CHF 150

Woodcut printed gratitude card + Exhibition poster + Woodcut print DIY + Cinema voucher
During the linocut and woodcut workshops, we will create a special print to make thank you cards. You will receive one at home :-)

+ We are offering you the exhibition poster, which you can pick up at Espace Noir

+ We will carve a woodcut art and print it in A4 format, which you can pick up at Espace Noir

+ A voucher for one free entry to the Espace Noir cinema

unlimited availability



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Category Art

