We are working with local partners to improve the living conditions of people with physical disabilities in the Casamance region. This particularly includes collecting aids and spare parts, which we send to Senegal. On-site, we are setting up a workshop and creating jobs, where we pass on the knowledge of how to maintain and distribute these aids.
Social projects
Friends of listeners
IFOTES International Federation of Telephone Emergency Services
Elena Misdariis
Helpline listeners across Europe are available 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, at any time of need for people in emotional distress. To improve their skills and service quality, they need knowledge and insights from experts. By supporting our campaign you will help provide enriching educational video contents full of valuable insights, accessible online in English, French, German, Italian to 20.000 volunteers in emotional support services.
Flyingwoodland 💚🌲
Manuel Oesch
✨The goal of Flyingwoodland is to use drone technology to reforest forests that have been destroyed by forest fires and clear-cutting with a newly developed seeding mechanism. The natural pelleting of the seeds increases the germination rate, protects them from animals and serves as a water buffer.
The possibility of planting millions of trees every year could become a reality thanks to you. 🙏💚🌲
Social projects
Ein Plan für Veränderung
Hakuna Matata Help Association
Justin Browne
Daniela Ulrich
Mit diesem Crowdfunding soll der Bau eines Schulhauses und eines Grundwasserbrunnens in der Region Igoma Nusery finanziert werden. Beides sind Projekte die dazu führen, dass die Menschen in Würde leben können.
Mit dem Bau der Schule ermöglichen wir den Kindern aus Igoma einen lückenlosen Zugang zu Bildung. Der Bau des Brunnens garantiert der Bevölkerung einwandfreies, gesundes Wasser. Wir rechnen hierbei mit Kosten von 30'000 CHF.
Social projects
Equipa Kooperative
Selin Stoll
Sabin Müller
Adèle Villiger
Corinna Zuckerman
Denise Bieniossek
Die Reinigungskooperative Equipa schafft faire Arbeitsplätze im Reinigungsbereich für Frauen mit Migrationserfahrung.
Die Mitarbeiterinnen erhalten einen fairen Lohn, Mitsprache und Gestaltungsfreiheit am Arbeitsplatz, Gelegenheit zur Entfaltung ihres Potenzials und langfristig die Möglichkeit zu einem Upskilling über die Reinigungsbranche hinaus.
Social projects
Having fun integrating!
Verein Integration in der Freizeit
Tsarina Crouch
Anya Heini
We help immigrants (mainly refugees) in Canton Lucerne to find a suitable leisure activity. The immigrants get to know local people, learn Swiss German and integrate better into Swiss society. The clubs/associations can access new talent from different cultures and profit from a diverse membership group. The better a society integrates newcomers, the more successful it is. Please support us!